Ernie gets to make a pen – this has become almost an initiation test for all HaverShedders! Phil was in early and had already made four pens!! We’re hoping to have a stall at an upcoming country fayre to sell some of our wares . . . bird boxes (plain and posh), trugs (plain, blue or pink) and now pens. We also had a few visitors – Martin popped in to see what goes on – you’re most welcome! A visit by Leyton (PCC) & friend plus some juniors – three lads who’ve been before and I think just wanted to escape from the rain but all welcome. They played darts & even the piano, nice guys. You’re always welcome. Kevin decided to make a bowl – another selling item! So, all go. Come and join us . . .Weds 11-4 (sometimes a lot earlier!) And usually Saturdays for a short spell – check on here and Facebook. Become a member, join our WhatsApp group & start the fun!

I think this is Andy – very competent on the piano
