Busy and woodworking day at HaverShed

Ernie gets to make a pen – this has become almost an initiation test for all HaverShedders! Phil was in early and had already made four pens!! We’re hoping to have a stall at an upcoming country fayre to sell some of our wares . . . bird boxes (plain and posh), trugs (plain, blue …
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New Toy & Lots of Wood

Another busy Wednesday at HaverShed. Steve’s neighbour has always promised us that we could have his old Axminster wood lathe and today the dream came true! Many thanks to John Harding for this big beastie (the Axminster 900 I believe). We’ve also put some of our produce for sale on Facebook – trugs & Coat …
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New Saw – new products! Another busy day at HaverShed

HaverShed saw the arrival of a new bench saw, which was put to immediate use in cutting up wood for more products, including Steve’s new coat hooks. Ernie carried on sanding down our new trugs, ready for painting. Kevin is nearing the finishing line for his custom slide guitar . . . . The team …
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They Come & Go – Another Busy Shed Day

Yes, another very busy day with one of our biggest attendances – over 14 people, I think. Some just stay for a quick cuppa – others linger for hours, can’t shift em!! I think more time was spent today just chatting – there’s an AGM coming up in 2 weeks plus having a think about …
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Ooh – getting lots of (welcome) attention!

Another busy day at HaverShed. Steve got (with some help from Phil) to make a new cover for his post box, Terry got to make his bowl on the wood lathe. Kevin & Paul played (lots of) darts. Dave (Young) made some more shelves. Phil carried on making the tool locker safe and secure – …
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Easter Week – a tad quieter but busy making magic!

Yes, a lot of Shedders absent today – busy with family this Easter. However, the HaverShed was open and we had 9 or so people pop in. Steve got to make his magic wand, although it’s yet to be fully tested! We had a nice surprise visit from Bethan Price – Pembrokeshire County Councillor (St …
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It’s All Go at HaverShed

Lots of woodwork going on….bowl turning on the lathe, Terry’s making a spice rack, Phil’s working on his workbench and Richard is joining his pen making! Plenty to eat & drink this week and, maybe, just maybe the Sun may come out! Loads of thanks to all the shedders who turned up on Wednesday 👍. …
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