Kevin, our secretary, got to finish his Shed-made, slide guitar and gave a good demo today! So, we do make trugs (very nice too – various colours), coat hooks (lovely – 2 or 3 hooks) and bird boxes (get yours quick!) but there’s lots of spare wood and machines standing idle, just itching to be …
Continue reading We’re not just Trugs, Coat Hooks & Bird Boxes . . . . .
Open on Saturdays
We do rely on key-holders to open up HaverShed but with more keys cut & more keen shedders . . . we can open on Saturdays during the Summer. Always check on here and/or our Facebook page for last minute details. Last Saturday we carried on with our new production lines . . . Coat …
Continue reading Open on Saturdays
Another Busy Day!
Well, we’ve sold three of our new trugs and some bird boxes too! Drop us a line if you want to order anything. The trugs are £25 and bird boxes vary from £10. There’s a special one going at the moment – a semi-detached bird house! Make us an offer. Kevin is progressing his build …
Continue reading Another Busy Day!
Busy Bees
Yes, it’s ALL GO here in HaverShed! Soldier figures, spalted beech bowl turning, idea sketching, trug smoothing and the slide guitar is coming along. There’s also tea, coffee, biscuits and nibbles! Come on down!
What fantastic day 👍👍👍👍
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Hi all 👍 Brilliant day at Men’s Shed 😀
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Hi all 👍 Brilliant day at Men’s Shed 😀
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Hi all 👍 Brilliant day at Men’s Shed 😀
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Hi all 👍 Brilliant day at Men’s Shed 😀
Sent from Outlook for Android
Another busy day. New guys, new pens & Doughnuts!
Yes, happy birthday Allan! Thanks for the doughnuts! Richard is making one of HaverShed’s bespoke pens, Dave’s making a (big) bird box and Nigel is starting on a bowl…..